Friday, 27 July 2012

Smoking Orangutan moved to Island Rehab

Zookeepers in Indonesia have moved a smoking orangutan away from visitors to a small island to help her quit the habit. Tori, an orangutan from a zoo in Solo in central Java, has been smoking cigarettes thrown into her cage for a decade. She was moved along with her male companion, Didik. Both are now on the island within the zoo, keepers said. She started smoking by mimicking humans, they said. Tori would reportedly pick up butts that were still lit, hold them between her fingers and begin puffing. Didik, on the other hand, would stamp on the butts to put them out, local media reports said. Here at the Smokers' Clinic we are wishing Tori the best of luck for a sucessful quit!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Peers back smoking ban for cars with children present

Peers have backed plans to ban smoking in cars when children are present, but supporters admit they do not have government backing for the move. The House of Lords approved Lord Ribeiro's private member's bill to make offenders liable for a £60 fine or attendance at a smoke awareness course. The measure would need the support of MPs to become law and David Cameron has questioned whether it is justified.

He has suggested it would have serious implications for personal freedoms. Mr Cameron told MPs last year that while he backed the ban on smoking in pubs, he felt "more nervous" about proscribing what people should and should not do in private vehicles.

More here.

What do you think? Let us know.

Monday, 16 July 2012

What's in a cigarette?

Ever wondered what's in a cigarette? Answer: About 4000 chemicals. Here's a few...

Thursday, 12 July 2012

What's the etiquette with electronic cigarettes?

A misunderstanding over an electronic cigarette caused a major terrorist alert on the M6 Toll motorway earlier this week. The incident showed what a novelty e-cigarettes are to many people and how easily confusion can develop. Is it socially acceptable to take a battery assisted puff on a train or in a public library? And what about in the office or at a dinner party? What do you think? Read more here

Monday, 9 July 2012

Glamorous film stars who light-up on screen 'encourage children to take up smoking'

Children who watch a lot of movies with cigarette-smoking characters are more likely to take up the habit themselves, according to a study. Read more here. What do you think?