Here at the Smokers' Clinic we hear many different reasons for our patients wanting to quit smoking. Some cite health problems, others say it's anti-social and some don't like being addicted. One motivation that we hear more and more is that smoking is simply too expensive. Following the 2014 budget, the average cost of a pack of 20 cigarettes is now £7.98. That works out at £2912.70 a year for a 20 a day smoker! Saving money is a great motivation to quit as you can see the benefits almost immediately. You can you the SmokeFree cost calculator
here to work out exactly how much you could save by quitting.
Judith in Edinburgh quit smoking through here local stop smoking service and after just 8 months had saved enough money to buy her dream car. Read her story
Whatever your reasons for wanting to quit, we're here to help. For more information about how we can help you quit smoking call 02078828230 or email